3361 hr & 30 min | printed photographs, film tape | 10/2020

A 9 metres and 35 centimetres installation of 3361hr & 30minbased on a time treaty, in which an hour equals 15cm. Collecting time and interpreting it in a spatial environment. Time was the only possession I could consciously accept for 140days. Being inert, committed with both the concepts of time and possession, I archivedthose evidence, the raw photos which were manually taken by a security camera. When those ideas became actually an obsession, capturing a time snapshot every single hour no matter the circumstances was essential. Although, it was inevitable to miss some hours since the body could not keep up with the mind after several days non-stop. Following the linear evolution of time, written on the security info of each photograph while walking through the installation is a prerequisite for experiencing the art project. Printed photographs and film tape. The masses of film tape concentrated on the floor represent the time gaps as a result of the equivalence between time and available space for the installation. The actual size of the tape is 504 metres and15 centimetres. Time period 23/5/2020 - 10/10/2020.